English Interpreter-guide

Guiding Area: Tokyo


Born in Osaka, raised in Yokohama, located about 40km south of Tokyo. Lived in New York, USA for seven years.  After graduating from university in Tokyo, worked for French cosmetic company for several years.  Later on, lived in Paris, France for 3 years and finished MBA specialized in luxury brand management of French business school.  After returning to Japan, worked for French fashion company in the intellectual property dept.  Currently committed to welcome guests from abroad as a national licensed guide.

Specialties and Hobbies

  • Enthusiastic in visiting historical towns in Japan and overseas
  • Special interest in potteries and skillfully handcraft items.
  • Enjoy theatrical arts (Kabuki, Noh, Bunraku, opera, ballet, etc)


Tokyo is always a super energetic town.  It is a center of business & politics and full of art, fashion, and other cultural trends that keep on influencing the world.  Along with these latest movement, local people respect and maintain the historical life and tradition.  The coexistence of these new and old aspects attracts and gives inspiration to many tourists.  I would like to help you exploring and fully experience the excitement of the city.  There are also many intimate neighboring towns in Greater Tokyo, too.  Let’s enjoy!